证券简称:苏柯汉 证券代号:831835

SUKACell L1000 Acid Cellulase for Bio-polishing


Cellulose is an unbranched glucose polymer composed of anhydro-D-glucose units linked by 1, 4-b-D-glucoside bonds. These glycosidic bonds can be hydrolysed by cellulolytic enzymes. The native structure of the cellulose is composed of crystalline and less organized amorphous regions. SUKACell-L1000 is an enzyme preparation obtained from the submerged fermentation of a high cellulase-producing microbial strain. It is widely used in textile and garment stone wash industries.


Desize thoroughlyDesize thoroughlyDesize thoroughly
Drain liquor then fill machine to liquor ratio of1:10 (jean/ water)1:10 (jean/ water)
Add pumice (if required), heat bath to40-60��50-60��
Add SUKACell-L1000 at the rate of0.25-2.0% owg0.25-0.75% owg
Adjust pH to4.5-5.5��with pH 4.8 as an optimum4.5-5.5��with pH 4.8 as an optimum
Process time20-45 minutes ��depending on desired effect��30-45 minutes ��depending on desired effect��
after drainageAdd water and softeningAdd water and softening
  • NOTE
    Some denim fabrics of lower quality may have severe backstaining problems that can be overcome with our ES resist. Use soda ash 1-3 grams and resist ES 1-2 grams (water ratio) to wash out ferment remaining residue, after that you can adopt our consistent lubricant/ film/ organic silicon oil. The information presented is believed to be accurate. However, said information and products are offered without warranty or guarantee. Sales commitment should pay legal responsibility. We recommend that the prospective user determine the suitability of our materials and suggestions before adopting them on a commercial scale.
    The 1, 4-b-D-glucosidic linkages in cellulose, lichenin and cereal b-D glucans are hydrolyzed to release free glucose units through the successive action of cellulase enzymes. The less organized amorphous region at the center of the cellulose chain is initially attacked by endoglucanase by random cutting of the b-1, 4 glycosidic linkages within the chain thereby producing cello-oligosaccharides. Cellobiohydrolases I and II act on the cello-oligosaccharides from the reducing end and non-reducing end of the cello-oligosaccharides to release cellobiose. b- glucosidase act on the released cellobiose to produce b�CD glucose units.
    SUKACell-L1000 will function from a pH of 4.5 to 6.0 with pH 4.8 as an optimum. It will function from 40 to 60 Appearance: Medium to dark amber liquid (Note that color does not affect or reflect activity.) Odor: Slight fermentation odor pH (as is)��4.5��1.0�� Density��1.05-1.20
    SUKACell-L1000 (activity is 10000 U/ml) High activity product is available upon request of our customers.
    Reducing sugar method: At a pH of 4. 8 and temperature of 50, to produce the amount of reducing sugar equivalent to 1 mg glucose, it needs l g solid enzyme (or 1mL liquid enzyme) and 1 h hydrolyze sodium carboxymethyl cellulose substrate, as 1 enzyme activity unit, state as u/g (or u/mL). CMCA �C DNS for short.
    Light industry standard of the People's Republic of China, QB 2583 2003
    SUKACell-L1000 - is a kind of acidic liquid cellulase, used for biofinishing, significantly soften 100% cotton fabrics, both woven and knits. SUKACell-L1000 �C provide soft touch except used for jean leaven dye processing. SUKACell-L1000 - can obviously improve clothing surface magnitude.
    SUKACell-L1000 is packaged in 25 kg plastic drum and 1 ton plastic drum for the liquid form. Alternative packaging is available upon request for smaller or larger volumes.
    Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight. SUKACell-L1000 maintains its activity for considerably longer time when stored at lower temperatures (below 25). Do not let freeze.
    SUKACell-L1000 is non-toxic and biodegradable. However, unnecessary contact with the product should be avoided. Long term exposure to protein based products such as SUKACell-L1000 may sensitize certain individuals to the product. Wash hands with warm soapy water after handling. Keep out of reach of children.
    SHANDONG SUKAHAN  Bio-Technology Co., Ltd will assist customers with the use of our products in applications development.